Lexic — AI SaaS Landing Page

creator profile

Alex Ciobotaru

It's an AI SaaS Landing page. I've used a code override to create mouse move effects on some of the images, and I've also used a code component to create a double border with a gradient on some of the cards / images in a few sections.

This AI SaaS landing page is a cutting-edge example of modern web design, incorporating advanced features to enhance user engagement and visual appeal. One of the standout elements is the use of a code override to create dynamic mouse move effects on selected images, adding an interactive dimension that captures visitors' attention. Additionally, I've integrated a code component to craft a unique double border with a gradient effect on some of the cards and images across various sections. This detail not only adds depth and sophistication to the design but also ensures a cohesive and polished look throughout the site. The combination of these custom features results in a visually striking and highly functional landing page, perfectly suited for showcasing the innovative capabilities of your AI SaaS product.
